Tag Archives: pee
I can bunny hop

Dear Js,
love the new bike
new world of pain
Day 1 – rode bike back from seller. Rear shifter pall was gummed up, didn’t shift down. Didn’t matter, I didn’t change gears once. Seller said front might have slow leak. I think he …
Difficult but happy (+Goodbye new home, flying to old home)

Dear Js,
I wanted to write a quick letter to you this time, because we’ll be leaving for KL in a few days. I wanna share the most recent home things first, before we’re sucked into the Chaos over there. So unlike my usual long …
2 more ways to fail at dadding

Dear j,
The life of a parent is being worried about when you’ll screw up next. You fear that one of those goofups will result in your kids losing a finger, a tooth or an eye. Sometimes, no matter how much you worry, one of …
I can’t be the dad you want me to be

Dear Js,
I now know what it’s like… to feel like I might not make it. You know what I mean? Think about all the times you tried something hard. I’m talking about that moment your body and your brain says, “I quit.” When you’re …
This is how I pee

Dear J,
My heart is broken. You don’t love me anymore. It’s bad enough that J2 cries and rejects me when she notices it’s me instead of mama. Now you don’t want to play with me anymore.
You used to shout “Daddy!” as soon as …