Tag Archives: river
Happy birthday, j

Dear Js,
So… I finally have something to start this letter with, because I almost killed you again. Let me tell you what happened. I’ll describe it almost exactly as I told mama after we made it back home, covered with mud and stinky with …
Sprinkler stomping

Dear Js,
You two came back from school, asleep, with no pants on. I asked, “What happened to his pants?” Mama said you guys got them soaked in mud. Both of you were so tired, you slept from 5.30pm thru dinner. No bath. J, you …
2 more ways to fail at dadding

Dear j,
The life of a parent is being worried about when you’ll screw up next. You fear that one of those goofups will result in your kids losing a finger, a tooth or an eye. Sometimes, no matter how much you worry, one of …
“There are steps everywhere, you just have to find them” (+ bye bye molars)

Dear Js,
I was brushing my teeth before bed when it felt like I bit into a grain of sand. The “grain” rattled in my mouth and I caught it in my palm. It was white and the size of half a grain of rice. …