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Dear Js, Mama sent her first newsletter to all her past clients, as well as moms who signed up at her group! I knew something was up when she rummaged through all her bags and nooks for scraps of paper she wrote emails on. She

I can’t be the dad you want me to be

Dear Js, I now know what it’s like… to feel like I might not make it. You know what I mean? Think about all the times you tried something hard. I’m talking about that moment your body and your brain says, “I quit.” When you’re

“I want a different daddy” (+ the meaning of life + a golden ticket to unlimited opportunity)

Dear Js, Wow, that’s a big promise in today’s title. The meaning of life? Yup. It’s here. I don’t think I’m exaggerating. The key word of that sentence is “meaning”. As in, whenever life elbows you to the floor, kicks dirt in your face and

Discovering the joy of drawing

Dear Js, One evening, I was supposed to be playing with you but I was mulling about a problem in my head. To sort my thoughts, I like to draw in my notebook. You came over and said, “Daddy, I want to draw with you.”