Tag Archives: writing
Like a one-legged man in an ass- kicking contest

Dear Js,
I wrote a whole bunch of stuff over the last two weeks. But for some reason it got deleted. Serves me right for trusting a web-based text box again. I feel like Sisyphus. Like someone rolling a rock up a long hill, then …
Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Dear Js,i
The moment you’ve been waiting for finally happened. I bet you’ve been wondering, when’s this crazy old man finally going to run out of steam with his rambling letters?
Well today’s your lucky day. It finally happened. I ran out of steam. Some …
“I want a different daddy” (+ the meaning of life + a golden ticket to unlimited opportunity)

Dear Js,
Wow, that’s a big promise in today’s title. The meaning of life? Yup. It’s here. I don’t think I’m exaggerating. The key word of that sentence is “meaning”. As in, whenever life elbows you to the floor, kicks dirt in your face and …
Write backwards

Did you hear the one about a kindergarten teacher and a girl with boots that won’t fit? The teacher spotted a little girl pulling on her red boots so hard, she tipped over, fell on her back and started crying. The teacher rushed to help, …
Did God accidentally reveal how to write the ultimate Bio?

Writing to drive action is not about slinging fancy words. It’s about knowing things.
And fixing what you don’t know.
What you don’t know hurts you twice: Once because problems become harder than they need to be, and twice because as long as you don’t …
You don’t need to be a wordsmith – you need to listen

Some writers obsess with spelling, punctuation, grammar and adjectives. Some lose sleep trying to be funny, witty or cute. Some brag about their awards or mastery of style guides and writing rules… or the thickness of their thesaurus. Some scream HYPE! while others prefer Vague. …
Copy Cub’s Simple Writing Guide for Troublemakers

Hello, and welcome to the start of a series of tips to write better. Warning: these will NOT make you a better writer. In fact, they will most likely make your writing worse. If you’re in school, this could fail you out of your classes. …
Words are amazing!

Dear J,
Part of being a dad is getting treated to moments like this. And like any good dad, the first thing I’ll do is laugh and tell your mom. The next thing I’ll do is fetch my camera. Hey, you try having kids. Being …