Tag Archives: two years old
We left the garage door open – woke up, called cops

Dear Js,
I was going to title today’s letter “How to cheat your way to success.” I wanted to boast about my latest wins and how got them by being the laziest person of everyone around me.
But something happened. Last night, I opened the …
“Why do we have lights outside our house?”

Because once upon a time, Santa Claus put lights outside Jesus’ house so the three wise men knew which the right house was. (Mama said, “Daddy!”)
Dear Js,
Thanksgiving is done, Christmas has come. The decorations are out and up. We bought a little tree …
Your first programming lesson

Dear Js,
I did it. I didn’t think it’d be this soon. You’re not yet three, but you learned how to program.
We were at the Children’s Discovery Museum last weekend. There were two new displays there. They’re basically the same thing. One of them …
The weather outside is frightful…

… but the cold is so delightful?
Dear Js,
It’s getting dark earlier. Traffic has gotten worse. People here must be terrified of driving in the dark. My commute has gotten almost twice as long. There are accidents every day. I guess it’s harder to …
Visiting your great grandmas

Dear Js,
You put on your backpack. You were ready to visit your great grandmas. In your pack were your favorite toys, some books and some snacks.
You were cautious at first. Then you found her rocking chair:
Old telephone. Gotta love old technology – …
3 days at a secret beach paradise (for families with kids)

Dear J,
I don’t know how we’re getting you back to school. I don’t even know what story we’ll have to concoct to trick you to come home.
Today you cried for half an hour because you realized it was Sunday: “I don’t want to …
Happy Birthday to me, I’m off to the plane with you three!

Dear J,
You said, “I want to eat the middle, you can eat the outside.” You want us to have birthdays because you make them your birthdays.
This letter will be shorter than usual. We’re leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow night. Today’s Friday. We haven’t …
The fox and the grapes – parents must jump for grapes

Did I tell you about the story of the Fox and the grapes? I must have.
But I might not have told you about the deeper meaning behind it. It’s a story about Cognitive Dissonance. Cognitive Dissonance is when you feel a conflict in your …
Boy pushes dog off roof onto train tracks

Dear J,
We were back at the same place. Like the last two days. I helped you climb up onto the cement platform. It was about 5.5 feet high and next to the train tracks. We watch trains go by from here sometimes. “Daddy, come …
“I don’t want the big bad wolf to come into my house!”

Dear J,
You woke up in a full scream. “AAAAA!” We ran to your room. “What’s wrong?” A few nights ago, the dry air gave you a nosebleed in your sleep. So, we thought we’d find you in a pool of blood again.
“Are you …