Tag Archives: birthday
Catching up
Dear Js,
I went to China for work for a few days. Mama said j fell asleep whimpering: “I love you daddy, daddy so far away, up in the clouds, in the sky daddy. I wish I could make you come back as soon as …
“I am a bad boy”

Dear Js,
Abu left.
On the way to the airport:
J: “Mama, I don’t want Abu to leave us.”
Abu silent
j: “I’m feeling a little sleepy”
closed eyes
J: “but then you won’t be able to say goodbye to Abu.”
j: “at least I …
Visit from El Nino

Dear Js,
It was my birthday. You surprised me, or tried to anyway. J told you, “Don’t tell daddy about our secret.” j: “Okay, I won’t tell daddy about the cheesecake.” J: “NO!!! Don’t tell daddy about the cheesecake!!! If you EVER do that again… …
Happy birthday, j

Dear Js,
So… I finally have something to start this letter with, because I almost killed you again. Let me tell you what happened. I’ll describe it almost exactly as I told mama after we made it back home, covered with mud and stinky with …
2 more ways to fail at dadding

Dear j,
The life of a parent is being worried about when you’ll screw up next. You fear that one of those goofups will result in your kids losing a finger, a tooth or an eye. Sometimes, no matter how much you worry, one of …
I hate you

Dear Js,
Can I say that? I don’t know. It’s hard for a dad to say that. But even if I can’t say it, sometimes my body sure feels like I do. I mentioned it to mama and she gasped in a “How could you …
Like a one-legged man in an ass- kicking contest

Dear Js,
I wrote a whole bunch of stuff over the last two weeks. But for some reason it got deleted. Serves me right for trusting a web-based text box again. I feel like Sisyphus. Like someone rolling a rock up a long hill, then …
Hell is a Dim Sum with kids. But I think I’m falling in love

Dear j,
You’re so cute. I think I’m falling in love all over again. Has this old man gone soft?
What I realized is the more time I spend with you, the more mellow you get. If our contact is limited to the few moments …
Happy Dino Birthday Pizza Cupcakes

Dear Js,
For the first time in history, your generation will get to see what your childhood was like. In video and pictures. Unlike when your mama and I were children. There are questions we can never answer. Like “What was I like when I …
Failures are signs you’re going the right way

Dear Js,
Don’t tell her I told you this. Mama felt down all this week. A few weeks ago, she was excited to work on her biz. Things were popping. Newsletter, moms, group, workshop, pediatrician. So many things. This week, everything seemed to fall apart. …