Tag Archives: adventure
Happy birthday, j

Dear Js,
So… I finally have something to start this letter with, because I almost killed you again. Let me tell you what happened. I’ll describe it almost exactly as I told mama after we made it back home, covered with mud and stinky with …
Return from a family adventure (+ why children ask WHY – solved)

Dear J,
And then it was time to say goodbye.
On our last day, we visited Abu Jose’s farm. They call it a farm in Spanish, but it’s not one where farmers farm. He didn’t have animals but his neighbor did. But they had a …
Journey to the end of the wall… and beyond!

Dear Js,
I thought of something the other day…
The irony of being a parent: Parents want to do more for their children. But happiness comes from doing less and being present.
Someone you love will always drive you to better yourself: To be more …