Tag Archives: Kimi
We’re home :) (+ happy birthday mama!)

Dear Js,
Buying a house felt like a scam. You sign papers that say you’re buying a house. But no house. You wire money into a stranger’s bank account. Still no house. It’s a lot of waiting, punctuated by “urgent! time sensitive!” demands from the …
Sprinkler stomping

Dear Js,
You two came back from school, asleep, with no pants on. I asked, “What happened to his pants?” Mama said you guys got them soaked in mud. Both of you were so tired, you slept from 5.30pm thru dinner. No bath. J, you …
Fun with germs

Dear Js,
It’s been more than a month since I last wrote. It seems like every time I write I have yet another excuse.
I bet you’re excited to know what my excuse is this time. It’s not a good one but hey it’s all …
Hell is a Dim Sum with kids. But I think I’m falling in love

Dear j,
You’re so cute. I think I’m falling in love all over again. Has this old man gone soft?
What I realized is the more time I spend with you, the more mellow you get. If our contact is limited to the few moments …
Happy Birthday to me, I’m off to the plane with you three!

Dear J,
You said, “I want to eat the middle, you can eat the outside.” You want us to have birthdays because you make them your birthdays.
This letter will be shorter than usual. We’re leaving for Puerto Rico tomorrow night. Today’s Friday. We haven’t …
Boy pushes dog off roof onto train tracks

Dear J,
We were back at the same place. Like the last two days. I helped you climb up onto the cement platform. It was about 5.5 feet high and next to the train tracks. We watch trains go by from here sometimes. “Daddy, come …