Tag Archives: rain
Star Wars storywalk

Dear Js,
This has been a crazy year. We had a ‘war room’ for the last few months, chasing after an aggressive goal. All that hard work. No financial reward as yet. Just experience and scars.
Outside of work, I have killed Secret Campfire. And …
Diving for rocks at bottom of icy pool

Dear Js,
I saw rocks in our pool. We had a windy thunderstorm yesterday but no California wind could have picked the rocks over the pool fence and dropped them in the pool. I yelled into the house and mama said J did it. You …
First visit to Grandma & Grandpa’s home (+ uncle’s wedding)

Dear Js,
Oh man. We’re finally back home. You have no idea. So happy to be home. And now that we’re finally over our jetlag, let me tell you how it went…
Act 1: Plane ride to KL. It started alright. We had tons of …
Best naptimes with oscillating fan, rain and Coquis

It was a long flight. We survived. First hop was the red-eye to JFK in New York…
Second hop was to San Juan.
Mama didn’t look too good. She didn’t sleep at all. She was cradling Julie and she was too nervous she’d drop her. …