Tag Archives: drawing
We’re home :) (+ happy birthday mama!)

Dear Js,
Buying a house felt like a scam. You sign papers that say you’re buying a house. But no house. You wire money into a stranger’s bank account. Still no house. It’s a lot of waiting, punctuated by “urgent! time sensitive!” demands from the …
“I don’t want to go to bed” (+ goodbye old home, hello new home)

Dear j,
Here we go again. J’s got the bedtime routine down now. But now that you’re two you are starting the “I don’t want to go to bed” thing. To make matters worse, mama’s weaning you off bedtime nursing. That was how you went …
2 more ways to fail at dadding

Dear j,
The life of a parent is being worried about when you’ll screw up next. You fear that one of those goofups will result in your kids losing a finger, a tooth or an eye. Sometimes, no matter how much you worry, one of …
“There are steps everywhere, you just have to find them” (+ bye bye molars)

Dear Js,
I was brushing my teeth before bed when it felt like I bit into a grain of sand. The “grain” rattled in my mouth and I caught it in my palm. It was white and the size of half a grain of rice. …
Discovering the joy of drawing

Dear Js,
One evening, I was supposed to be playing with you but I was mulling about a problem in my head. To sort my thoughts, I like to draw in my notebook. You came over and said, “Daddy, I want to draw with you.” …