Tag Archives: hockey
Saved your life again

Dear Js,
I saved your life, j. Again. I thought you would have learned after the last time you almost drowned. But NOPE. It’s our fault I guess. Because there’s no way the human race survived this long without learning that water is danger. But …
“I am a bad boy”

Dear Js,
Abu left.
On the way to the airport:
J: “Mama, I don’t want Abu to leave us.”
Abu silent
j: “I’m feeling a little sleepy”
closed eyes
J: “but then you won’t be able to say goodbye to Abu.”
j: “at least I …
Diving for rocks at bottom of icy pool

Dear Js,
I saw rocks in our pool. We had a windy thunderstorm yesterday but no California wind could have picked the rocks over the pool fence and dropped them in the pool. I yelled into the house and mama said J did it. You …
Visiting your great grandmas

Dear Js,
You put on your backpack. You were ready to visit your great grandmas. In your pack were your favorite toys, some books and some snacks.
You were cautious at first. Then you found her rocking chair:
Old telephone. Gotta love old technology – …