Tag Archives: animals
Toddler Time Attack

Dear J,
Everything takes longer with you now. You only want to play. And you refuse everything that isn’t play… like coming back inside, nap time, dinner time, bath time, bed time, …
So, the latest battle with you is a battle against the clock. …
New baby, new circus

Dear J,
I just had a chat with Mama before she went to bed with Julia. (I miss talking with her, but she desperately needed to catch up on sleep before Julia wakes up again.) Now, mama’s schedule is Julia’s schedule. She has to sleep …
First crush… already?

Dear J,
Guess what – Abu Vicky is coming tonight! Mama is on maternity leave and it looks like Abu Vicky is going to be here in time for Julia after all. For a while, we were thinking Julia was going to be early.
We …