Tag Archives: two years old
Woman: the quest for a voice after false freedom from silent slavery

Dear Js,
Here’s a puzzle for you: If you have a daughter, how would you raise her?
What does it even mean to be a woman? Are there right ways? How are the ways we screw it up? Do you raise her like a girl? …
Checked myself into self therapy with your first imaginary friend

Dear Js,
Today, I’m writing without knowing where I’m heading. I’m using writing as a way to work out a problem I have with my temper. I don’t know what it is about, so I hope that writing about it will help me slow down …
Time: the fourth dimension

Dear Js,
There are three dimensions you can see: X, Y and Z. Three coordinates are enough to describe any position in space.
And at two+ years old, you have mastered spatial positioning. It seems even babies are born with a sense of space. We …