“That’s you Julia!”
Dear Js,
(This is mama’s report on how her first day with both of you to take J1 to the dentist went)
Joshua and Julia were very good to me this morning and we were able to be out of the house by 9am. I did not have time to feed Julia so I planned to feed her in the waiting room. Joshua was very curious about what “the voice” (the GPS) was saying the whole way there. Every time he saw a truck he said the truck was going to the dentist too but to a big dentist because the truck is big hehe. He noticed a fountain at the entrance to the parking lot and wanted to go see it as soon as he got out of the car. I asked him nicely to wait until we were done with the dentist because Julia had to eat, he agreed and up we went. He asked me to carry him up the stairs but I said “my hands are busy, can you please help me and walk?”, he nodded and up we went.
As soon as we got there he noticed the small play table and went to play with a wooden clock which had different shapes with the number to insert into a hole where the number should go. I sat down to feed Julia and give the receptionist his info. Joshua then noticed the TV, they were playing the movie Madagascar, it was over so the credits were rolling and animals kept popping up dancing to “we like to move it move it”. Joshua would name the animals as they danced “lion! zebra!”. We talked about what was going to happen as we had been doing yesterday. The “nice lady” as I called her came and asked us to come back so that Joshua could pick a toothbrush.
We went, put Julia next to us and Joshua picked a red toothbrush like his shirt he said. The TV on the ceiling were playing Cars so Joshua got excited and said “Brown Truck Mater mama!!”. He rested his head on the assistant’s lap and his legs on mine. It was his first time getting his teeth polished after the brush (which went great!) so even though he got to touch and liked the polisher he didn’t like it so much in his mouth. He cried but not too loudly and kept his mouth open so his teeth could be cleaned. I said how good he was being, that he was being such a big boy and he was proud of himself when it was all done. Smiled at me and at everyone in the back. Everyone, parents and assistants kept saying how I had exceptionally beautiful children hehehe.
He didn’t like having to lay back down when the dentist came to examine him but he did it anyway and didn’t move so it all happened fast. Dr Radwan says J’s teeth are in great shape to keep our routines up! Then the assistant invited J to pick a toy and off he went with her. He saw a small, red fire truck which he quickly grabbed and off we went. First a quick stop at the restroom since in all the excitement J managed to poo heh.
Off to school we go, he wanted to see tow trucks. I had to explain that there was no accident today, no cars had bumped and that was good. He agreed and we parked. We went in and arrived at 10am during the start of circle time. Joshua put the Elmo sticker he also got at the dentist in his cubby but he didn’t want to put away his truck. I went to unpack his lunch since all other lunched were set at the table already (man some of those poor kids, their lunches looked awful lol). He put his lunch box away under the table this time and we put away the milk and water together. We joined circle time and we saw one of the moms we knew from Gymboree (JP’s mom if you remember her) checking Starfish out.
I got him to sit between Natalie and Jaya and sang the circle time songs with him, did shapes with out hands, etc. Then I said I needed to go, he sat on my lap and I said I was going to kiss him and hug him tight. Asked him if he wanted me to touch the lanterns on the way out and he said yes. At that point I hugged and kissed him said I love you and stood up. He chose not to look at me as I left but stayed very calm!! I asked the teacher to please make sure that his truck made it to the cubby before getting lost hehe.
Then I fed Julia in the car for a while and went to Safeway. I was almost done with the shopping when Julia vomited because this was so much more than spit up, all over the two of us! Lucky mama had an extra shirt for Julia and for mama because we needed them lol. Now we’re finally home and she’s taking a break after all the morning excitement, I think I am going to do the same.
<3 mama
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