It was a long flight. We survived. First hop was the red-eye to JFK in New York…

Our plane was delayed, so we explored the terminal

Mama suggested we check this way. We found something

We also found planes hiding in the dark

Welcome James, your new train for this trip

Ready for bedtime in the sky
Second hop was to San Juan.

Good morning New York
Mama didn’t look too good. She didn’t sleep at all. She was cradling Julie and she was too nervous she’d drop her. You two, on the other hand, slept okay. Julie didn’t fuss and you found a few comfortable sleeping poses. If mama uploads the pictures, I’ll put them here.

When you’re this flexible, any bed is possible

Next flight wasn’t so smooth. Fatigue was wrecking mama. Since Julie was awake, she fussed because her ears hurt. She didn’t want to nurse. A lady tapped me on the shoulder, “Do you have a pacifier? It’s her ears.” I said, “She’s breastfeeding.”
I didn’t tell mama, because she would have went ballistic at the pacifier comment.

On the ground at last. At first the heat made us look like this

But then we saw the lush green trees on the bus ride, and met your Abus. We rented a minivan

Great for family naps
I’m getting used to the heat.
It rained this afternoon. I took a nap. Actually, many naps. I wasn’t supposed to. I was supposed to put you to sleep. I ended up falling asleep instead. You climbed down the bed and wandered around. Abu found you looking for mama. She said you were like in “Home Alone”. I had a talk with you later and said if this ever happens again, wake me up. “It’s okay to wake me up if you need something.” Abu laughed, “He’s supposed to wake you up?” I said Hey, I taught him to wait for no cars before crossing and how to read the depth at the pool today – I’m hoping this sticks, just in case. “In case what? It happens again?”
We forgot your yellow boat. A problem, because we promised you fun times on the waves in your boat again. They didn’t have it at Walmart. So I bought floaties. I thought that way I could also teach you to tread water. We’re going to try them out at the beach tomorrow.
But first, we went to the pool again today. We were there yesterday. It got late, but we got some splashes in and I took you around the back of the waterfall. You splashed me and squeaked. Then you said, “Daddy splash me!” Then you said “cold” and splashed some more. Too bad the pool was closed for cleaning today. We walked around anyway. You tried to climb the coconut tree. I showed you a duck. You showed me a lizard. Then I thought it was a good idea to explain the strange numbers around the pool.
I said you are 3 feet. 2 feet and 3 feet are okay. But 4 feet and 5 feet are too deep. 1 foot goes to your knee, 2 feet goes to your belly, 3 feet goes to your chest, 4 feet goes over your head. You pointed to your left foot and said, “1 feet”, then your right foot and said, “2 feet” then patted your head and said “3 feet”. Okay, close enough.
Abu came with mama. I tested you by pointing to the 4 feet section and asked, “Is this safe?” You said “Nooooooo” Then you showed her to the kiddie pool and said, “This is better.” I guess you got it after all.
After the pool, you said, “I want to go home.” Uh oh. We’re stuck here for another 2 weeks. I had to figure out why. “What do you miss from home.” “My cars.” Good. We can fix that. I reminded you we brought your cars in your backpack. And JAMES your new train. “My toilet…” You can sit on the big toilet here. You ran to look for James. Crisis averted.
We returned the next day with your floaties. You wanted to conquer the 5-foot deep end. You said, “I’m going up and down… like on the carousel.” I showed you how to blow bubbles. And said not to drink the water. We swam from end to end, ladder to ladder. You retired after you got a black eye from slipping on one of them. Mama joined us later with Julie. Julie dipped in cautiously, then puttered around. You made me swim like an otter for your amusement. So I hugged your blue Tiger PFD and rolled.
It rained as we walked back. Julie took a shower with mama. Mama complained you were slippery. I dried you off while mama finished. You were angry at mama for taking too long, and you said, “Maaa… Maaa MAMA!”
An inventor named James Dyson spent tons of money and time creating a bladeless fan. He claimed that it didn’t have “annoying buffeting.” Clearly, he didn’t enjoy a childhood as a kid in tropical weather. Because buffeting is precisely what makes oscillating fans so awesome. Especially for naps. And especially if they are placed in front of a window on a rainy day, with the little coquis choir singing. We haven’t done much since we got to Puerto Rico. Just hanging out, going to the pool with you. And taking naps.

Grandma and grandpa will have lots to say after seeing this. A fan fell on my head when I was a baby

I had trouble waking up too. Abu bought you that dinosaur.
Sorry Julie, I elbowed you on top of your head. You cried and threw up. It’s because we’ve been squeezing together in one bed. Mama got angry at J for kicking her in the face each time she almost fell asleep.
Bedtime is trickier this time round. In the two previous years, we just put you to bed and it was party time for mama and me. (We even escaped one night to go kayaking at the bio bay, where I proposed to mama on one knee on the nose of our kayak ;)) This time, you narrate our lives and you demand all our attention. “Why did daddy come out of the bathroom? Why did daddy turn off the light? Why did daddy turn that light on? Why is daddy walking here? What is daddy doing over there?”
Can’t really do my nightly reading. It’s warm outside our room, where I can turn on the light. Our room is the coolest room in the house, but I can’t turn on the light. You’re all sleeping in there. I tried hiding in the closet and closing the door. But it got too warm.
Besides, Internet at Abu’s house is painful. It’s worse than the dial-up I had when I was a kid. So I may not have as many pictures uploaded as I normally do.
We’re going to the beach tomorrow. I think mama got us a pink beach house. We’re staying for a few days.
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